July 21/14 – Check your dates

This info was provided by Kathy Lubits from UPAC. Please join this organization as they work on our behalf and sort out issues related to ultralight aeroplanes with Transport Canada etc.

Check Your Expiry Dates

Most pilots’ documents have periodic renewal requirements. Included in the list are the Pilot Booklet (officially called the Aviation Document Booklet), the medical certificate, and any ratings you hold. The status of your Recency and Currency is also important. As well, make sure your third party liability insurance is in effect.
The beginning of the year is a good time to make a list of your pilot documents and note the expiry dates. Transport Canada does not send out reminders. It is totally up to you.
Check your pilot booklet for the expiry date. Do the math to see when your medical or a rating expires. Put the expiry dates on your calendar and request the renewals before they expire.
It is not legal to fly if your Pilot Booklet or medical expires.

Aviation Document Booklet

Your Aviation Document Booklet must be renewed every five years from date of issuance. It has now been 5 years since these booklets were first issued.
The expiry date is on the picture page of the booklet. For information on renewal procedures visit the Aviation Document Booklet website at www.tc.gc.ca/ADB. The form and the process is the same as when you initially got your Pilot Booklet. Transport Canada personnel recommend that you apply 60-90 days before the expiry date.
There is no charge for renewing the pilot booklet.
Your medical certificate and all licenses, permits and ratings you hold are in your pilot booklet. This is where you will find the dates of your last medical and the date any ratings were issued. You have to determine for yourself when they expire.

Medical – Ultralight Pilot Permit – no passengers

Without a current medical certificate to validate your pilot license or permit, you cannot legally fly any aircraft. The medical for the ultralight pilot permit is a Category 4, self declared medical. It is good for 5 years regardless of your age.
To figure out the exact date it expires, go to the first day of the month following the date of your last medical and then add 5 years. For example, if the date of your last medical was April 1, 2013, then your medical is valid until May 1, 2018; it’s good for anther 4 years. Another example: if the date of your last medical was December 15, 2009, it was valid to January 1, 2014; it has expired and you cannot legally fly until you send in a new medical declaration.
To renew a Category 4 Medical Declaration, fill out Transport Canada form 26-0297. For the ultralight pilot permit, you need to have your signature witnessed. Send the completedform to your Regional Transport Canada office. The fee is $55 adn yoiu will be billed at a later date.The form is available on Transport Canada’s website at http://bit.ly/Vhy5JN

Medical – Ultralight Passenger Carrying Rating

The Ultralight Passenger Carrying Rating requires the same Category 4 Medical Declaration as for the UL permit, but it must be signed by a general practitioner, usually your family doctor). A Transport Canada Civil Aviation Medical Examiner (CAME) can also sign the Cat. 4 medical form.
This medical is good for only two years for the Passenger Carrying Rating. If you do not renew your medical at the end of 2 years, your Passenger Carrying Rating is not valid and you cannot legally carry a passenger. You can, however, still fly ultralight aeroplanes without a passenger until the 5 year expiry date.
To figure out the expiry date, go to the first day of the month following the date of your last medical and add 2 years. For example, if your medical was in September 12, 2011, your passenger carrying privileges expired on Oct 1, 2013. You can still fly ultralights until Oct 1, 2016. but you can no loner carry a passenger.
To renew your Passenger Carrying Rating, fill out the same Category 4 Medical Declaration as the ultralight pilot. Get Part C signed by a medical doctor and send it to the Regional Office just as you would for the Ultralight Pilot Permit.

Medical – Ultralight Instructor Rating

If you hold an Ultralight Instructor Rating, you are required to have a Category 3 Medical from a Civil Aviation Medical Examiner. This medical validates the instructor rating for 5 years (until the first day of the month following the date of the last medical plus 5 years) regardless of age.
This same medical will validate a Private Pilot License – Aeroplane if you have one for 5 years if you’re under 40 years of age and for only 2 years if you are 40 or older.
Ultralight Instructor Rating Renewal
Besides the medical, the Ultralight Instructor Rating also has a renewal requirement. According to CAR 401.89, every 5 years the ultralight instructor must do something to revalidate his instructor rating. The list of what is required can be found in CAR 421.89(2). Odds are that the renewal date for the rating will not coincide with the medical certificate renewal.


There are Recency requirements for all pilots, including ultralight pilots. These can be found in CAR 401.05(1). If you have not acted as Pilot in Command of an aeroplane (this includes ultralights) within the 5 years preceding the flight, there are some things you must do to become Recent. Check your pilot log book to see when you last acted as Pilot-In-Command.


There are also Currency requirements for all pilots including ultralight pilots. These are listed in CAR 401.05(2). To be current you have to do something every two years. The list of options is in CAR 421.05(2). One option is the Self Paced Study Program that you can download from Transport Canada’s website, fill out, date, and carry in your logbook.
Another option is to attend a seminar given or approved by Transport Canada. Note the topic, date, and the presenter of the qualified seminar in your log book. Some presenters give out log book stickers.

Carrying a Passenger
If you carry a passenger either with the Ultralight Passenger Carrying Rating or another license or permit, there is an additional requirement. Before you can carry a passenger, you must have done 5 take-offs and landings within the 6 months preceding the flight.
If you want to carry a passenger on a float equipped plane and you learned on a land plane, you must have completed some flight training, including dual instruction and solo flight, on floats before you can carry a passenger in the float plane. See CAR 401.21 (b) (iii).


Transport Canada requires at least $100,000 third party liability insurance for every flight. Insurance policies usually run for a year, so you need to check to see when you need to renew your insurance.
While we love flying, it’s also important to remember the paperwork. Keep your documents up to date. You never know when you might be subject to an inspection.
Take a look at your documents before you get too busy with the coming flying season.

Reprinted from the April 2014 issue of Light Flight, the publication of the Ultralight Pilots Association of Canada.