Nov 11 and 12/17 – 3 students started PPG course

I always feel Little bit tired at the end of the season so I did not do any updates in a last four weeks or so. I have several students training off the regular schedule such as Lowrence who is about to solo.

In this course I have Ben, Peter and Kevin. We decided to do four hours of ground school on Sat morning and then four hours of ground handling at the field in the afternoon. Ben managed to learn how to ground handle and get ready for solo in about four hours which is quite exceptional. The ground school was not finished and student pilot permit was not issued therefore I could not let him fly but I knew he would fly the next day. Kevin also made a very good progress and Peter was moving along nicely as well.

We have finished the ground school on Sunday morning and went to the field again. Immediately when we got there we did power on running exercises and just after that Ben went for his first solo. He did everything correctly and managed seven flights on the second day of training. Quite amazing.

Kevin needed a little bit more work but soon he was ready for his solo as well. Having skydiving background he did not have any problem flying and lending PPG. He then proceeded to do two more flights and four touch and goes some of which were not the best. Got to clean those up.

Peter is moving along with his ground handling. Normally students fly on a day 3 so he is not slow both Ben and Kevin are faster the average and Peter will get there soon.