Nov 4/15 – Bobby and Bryan

In the morning Bobby managed his first flight. It also took about 10 tries but he finally hit it. Nice flight but wind up high must have been close to 30 km/h so at one point Bobby was pretty much parked overhead. Pretty good and soft bean landing.

Congrats Bobby on you first solo flight!



In the afternoon Bryan came and quickly mastered reverse.



After about 1 hour Bryan was kiting with motor on and was ready for first solo. In no time we were set up and Bryan was off on fist inflation, all went absolutely perfect.



Bobby also got ready and after couple of tries was in the air as well.


After Bryan landed, he was fired to go again. This time he backed off the power during take of run, sat down and busted prop :-(

Bobby landed long and bit cross wind, enjoyed the flight but got slight motion sickness from not looking out on horizon.

The wind started to die off so we packed up. Congrats Bryan on you first flight and a first prop bust. We say you are not PPG pilot until you destroy a prop so I guess you are one now, eh?