Sep 27/15 – Graham, Chris and Aaron

Busy day at the field. Chris met me early am to do balance check on his new paramotor. Then it was off to the field to meet Graham and go on with his ground handling. Chris then started to break in his motor. It was too gusty for Chris to fly so he took it easy and Graham was fine tuning his kiting.

We took short mid day break and discussed Canadian economy and Canada’s future. After lunch, Aaron joined us. He has 22 flights. He last flew 2 years ago but has purchased gear and was kiting occasionally. Wind calmed out around 4:30 pm and Aaron started to fly. He did not forget anything and quickly made 6 flights. Unfortunately, Chris was not feeling well and decided to sit this one out. It was too bad because conditions were perfect.
Graham continued with his ground handling, now having paramotor on his back. He almost got it now, he will fly tomorrow for sure.

It was very long but rewarding day at the field. The weather was stunning.








