Nov 4/17 – Tower at CYSN

I was planning to take up the Cherokee on Sunday afternoon but the visibility was down to 5 sm. So instead we got tour of the tower at the St. catharines airport. It was absolutely fascinating to learn about what they do and how they keep us pilots safe. St. Catherines airport is on the mandatory frequency 123.25. This means that anybody entering the zone must report their intentions. This makes flying much safer than just flying around and broadcasting position and intentions such as in Welland. I have been asked several times to extend downwind as not to interfere with aircraft on long final or cut cross wind leg. It was quite nice to put voices to the faces. Thank you guys.

Dec 4/17 – Feedback from Ben M

From: Ben M
Subject: Re: Feedback on PPG course pls
Date: December 4, 2017 at 08:20:42 EST
To: Andre Zeman

Hi Andre, I’ve been trying to come up with something to say for the past week. Everything with the course was great. I really valued your experience and dedication to safety. You make a good teacher, very patient and calm with great instruction and encouragement. There’s not much else to say, I hope you continue teaching for a long time for the benefit of the sport. Thank you for enabling one of my longtime goals.

Ben M

On Mon, Nov 27, 2017 at 10:46 AM, Andre Zeman wrote:
Hi Ben,

Congratulations on finishing the course and purchasing PPG gear.

I was hoping you could proviode feed back and let me know if I could improve the course to make it better for future students.

If you have any ideas please let me know.

Take care


Dec 2/17 – Nice feedback from recent graduate Kevin

Hi Kevin,

Congratulations on finishing the PPG course.

I was hoping you could provide feedback and let me know if I could improve the course to make it better for future students.

If you have any ideas please let me know.

Take care


Hi Andre,

I’ve given this some thought and I can honestly say I can’t think of anything that you could improve. Everything was great. The whole experience was extremely positive. I’ve had a few personal things that I’ve been dealing with since I left the Niagara region which is keeping me really busy, but I can’t stop thinking about paramotoring. I’ve seen the pictures and videos on your site and probably watched my launch a hundred times. I can’t wait to fly again.

Take care


Nov 17/17 – Ben flying his new gear

Ben has purchased Kangook Paramotor and Cima PWR Paraglider.

We got together this am to fly this new unit. All went well it was just super cold. Only zero celsius….brrr



Nov 15/17 – Took up the Piper Cherokee for flight

Its been couple of months since I flew the Cherokee – need to stay current on it.

4 circuits alone 3 with my wife

VIDEO – wind sock

Nov 15/17 – Kevin is done – 30 flights!

Kevin finished his course this am. Congrats. Wind picked up shortly after so Pater could not fly but he did do 2 hrs of kiting and locked it in.

VIDEO – Ben flight 30

VIDE) – Kevin take off

VIDEO – Ben take off


Nov 14/17 – Ben has finished!

Ben has completed 30 flight. Kevin has 29 and Peter managed first solo and a second flight.

Videos and more pics will follow later.

Nov 11 and 12/17 – 3 students started PPG course

I always feel Little bit tired at the end of the season so I did not do any updates in a last four weeks or so. I have several students training off the regular schedule such as Lowrence who is about to solo.

In this course I have Ben, Peter and Kevin. We decided to do four hours of ground school on Sat morning and then four hours of ground handling at the field in the afternoon. Ben managed to learn how to ground handle and get ready for solo in about four hours which is quite exceptional. The ground school was not finished and student pilot permit was not issued therefore I could not let him fly but I knew he would fly the next day. Kevin also made a very good progress and Peter was moving along nicely as well.

We have finished the ground school on Sunday morning and went to the field again. Immediately when we got there we did power on running exercises and just after that Ben went for his first solo. He did everything correctly and managed seven flights on the second day of training. Quite amazing.

Kevin needed a little bit more work but soon he was ready for his solo as well. Having skydiving background he did not have any problem flying and lending PPG. He then proceeded to do two more flights and four touch and goes some of which were not the best. Got to clean those up.

Peter is moving along with his ground handling. Normally students fly on a day 3 so he is not slow both Ben and Kevin are faster the average and Peter will get there soon.