July 18/20 – Feedback from Brandon

From: Brandon S
Subject: Re: PPG course feedback pls
Date: June 17, 2020 at 9:11:31 PM EDT
To: PPG Ontario <ppgontario@gmail.com>
Hi Andre,

Thank you so much for providing the course. I’m so happy I signed up and completed it. I can’t wait to get airborne again.

Honestly I think it went very well. I can’t think of anything you can do to improve the course.

I think every student is different so they learn things differently. For me the landings improved when I stared to listen and not look down but it specially improved when you let me land without your input as I came to depend on my own judgment and thus timed the flares and the approach better.

Anyway, overall it was great can’t think of anything else.


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On Jun 17, 2020, at 3:57 PM, PPG Ontario <ppgontario@gmail.com> wrote:


Congrats on successful completion of you PPG course. You have done very well.

I was hoping you could provide feedback and let me know how could improve the course to make it better for future students.

If you have any ideas please let me know and do not worry I can take critisizm

Take care

Thank you

Andre Zeman

1992380 Ontario Inc o/s
Powered Paragliding Ontario
905 380 1284

June 16/20 – Brandon finished his course

Brandon did amazing job this morning completing remaining 15 flights and finishing his licensing requirements. We had a beautiful morning – no wind just a slight thermal flows. It was just perfect.

Congratulations Brandon on finishing your course.
No a Jarko moc mi to tady neprolízej jo?. Ha ha ha