Oct 19/19 – Dave managed his first solo

It was on windy side and cold but we got her done. Not the nicest flight but Dave handled him self very well and we both got over the hump. Next flights will be much nicer

Oct 11/19 – This is how Ben gets to work… ha ha ha

Ovt 4/19 – John and Jason day 3 + David

The weather gods gave us great opportunity today. David who was in the April course is still working on it. We’re at the point where he’s doing powered inflations and mock up take offs. He is nearing first solo flight.

John and Jason were ready to fly so today was the day. The conditions were perfect and both Jason and John did their first solo and then three more flights each. Jason absolutely perfect, John also quite well except every time he lands in the beans.

Both of them are staying on their feet through landing and their takeoffs are pretty good as well. We are over the hump – things are going to be better and easier for them now. For me too.

I think they both enjoyed the flying, especially Jason who was just yelling and spreading his arms in the air trying to fly like a bird. Ha ha.

Congrats pilots John and Jason on your first flights.


Sep 24/19 – John and Jason day 2

It was super windy yesterday so Jason and John went back to work. They live relatively close by and they made flexible arrangement at work so if the weather is bad they go back – that is ideal. No pressure.

It was supposed to be very windy in the morning but calming down by noon so the plan was to start ground handling at 11 AM. As it turns out it was actually quite nice morning but of course we did not get to field until 11 am since that was the plan we have made the day before. This is when thermals started to kick in hard and the initial part of the kiting was done in these gusty conditions. Ouch.

John picked it up real quick Jason was bit behind but in few hours Jason caught up and now both guys are about at the same level. I was hoping that the wind would become smooth last couple hours before sunset so we could kite with motors. I did go for demo flight but it was really gusty to the point where I really didn’t like it. We waited another half an hour but it was still very gusty so we packed up.

Productive day,conditions could have been a little better but oh well can’t have it all

Sep 22/19 – John and Jason start PPG course

Sep 18/19 – Shaun is done – 30 flights

Shaun was one of the fastest students I’ve ever taught. It only took him one hour to pick up ground handling and he was ready to solo in 3 hours. Everything in his training went perfect. Even the weather was amazing. It did help that he is avid mite surfer. I had a few before but it does not guarantee any additional skills. In Shaun’s case that was definitely an asset. He went from no pilot to fully train competent and skilled Ppg pilot in three days. It was an absolute pleasure to teach him.

Congratulations Shaun on completing 30 solo flight as required by Transport Canada

Sep 16/19 – Shaun

Shaun is a kitesurfer as such he has mastered kiting in reverese in 1 hour!

He will fly tmr!

Aug 25/19 – Took mu buddy for a great flight

Aug 22/19 am – Patrick 20 flights and he is done

Patrick 20 flights and he is done

Congrats on finishing the course in such short time.

And BTW not just flying at the field, other beauty too…

Aug 20/19 pm – Patrick 3 flights Gary 6

Awesome evening. Great flying and beer afterwards. Thanks Gary for picking up the tab!